Thursday, June 28, 2012

Feel Good Lost by Broken Social Scene

Broken Social Scene - Feel Good Lost (2001)

The debut of the indie rock/shoegaze/baroque pop/whatever-the-hell-you-want-to-call-it band is an instrumental piece that is occasionally punctuated by vocals. It showcases the band's abilities - the segueing of instruments, how everything just comes together and meshes really well. It's equal parts dreamy, eerie, as well as calming, actually. I would say it's like The Radio Dept. with its dreams shattered and built up again even stronger and reinforced with knives and gunpowder (and sometimes horns).

Here's "Love and Mathematics", one of the tracks I find myself listening to more often compared to the other songs from the album. It mixes into the next song, "Passport Radio", but I'll leave it to you, dear reader, to search that out for yourself. This song here stuck out to me because it's one of the tracks that are darker, more languid. It kind of lulls you into a torpor, but in a good way. They lower you into a bath of cold water to numb you, but during the whole experience they've still got their arms around you, to pull you out at the last possible moment. Also, I rather like the title.

If you're a fan of dream pop with a darker side to it, try out Broken Social Scene. If you're not, then just give them a chance. Their sound is versatile enough to cover most genres. With the numerous musicians collaborating to form the band, you'll be sure to find at least one track you enjoy.


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